
Business Brokering at Northern Colorado Commercial Real Estate

What is Business Brokering?

Business brokering is when a third party helps clients buy or sell companies. Like a real estate broker, [...]continue reading

Referrals with Northern Colorado Commercial Real Estate

Northern Colorado Commercial Real Estate

The commercial real estate world is complex. To navigate the ins and outs, Northern Colorado Commercial Real Estate [...]continue reading

Cash Flow vs. Appreciation: Which is More Important?

Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing isn't one size fits all. Each investor has their own goals, typically determined by a specific [...]continue reading

What is a Modified Gross Lease?

Commercial Leasing

If you aren’t familiar with commercial leases, they can appear much more complicated than a residential lease. There are [...]continue reading

Leasing vs. Buying Commercial Property: Which is Better?

Which is better: Leasing or buying commercial property? The short answer is that it depends on your situation. For a brand-new start-up, taking out a long-term commercial loan might not be the right [...]continue reading

Zoning in Commercial Real Estate

States and local governments use zoning to determine how various parcels of land are developed. Each zone has specific rules and regulations that municipalities implement to create a desirable layout for their community.  [...]continue reading