How to Choose the Right Commercial Real Estate Broker

Should You Hire a Commercial Real Estate Broker?

If you haven’t purchased or leased commercial real estate before, you might ask, “Should I hire a broker?”. There are many intricacies to a commercial property transaction, and a broker’s job is to keep your interests protected throughout the process. 

Having someone, who is experienced in real estate contracts and negotiations, working as your fiduciary is worth its weight in gold. So, how do you choose the right agent? Let’s look at a few things you should consider as you decide. 

How to Choose the Right Broker

Look for the following to make sure you choose the right commercial real estate broker:

  • Experience: Experience is not always determined by the length of time someone has been in the industry. Look for a broker who has a solid transaction history and is in touch with current trends and practices. 
  • Market Knowledge: Each real estate market across the country functions differently, even down to the hyper-local level. Knowing that your commercial agent has extensive market knowledge in the areas you are considering is crucial. 
  • Understanding of Zoning: The zoning of a property determines how it may be used and, therefore, has a significant impact on its investment potential. Your commercial real estate broker should be well-versed in zoning laws and their implications to best protect your investment. 
  • Communication: High-level communication is a must. Commercial property transactions are not always straightforward, so you’ll need clear communication and quick response times from your agent. 
  • Client Testimonials: When looking for a great commercial broker, dig into their client testimonials. Nothing sheds more light on a professional’s qualifications than their past customers’ words. 

Northern Colorado Commercial Real Estate

Northern Colorado Commercial Real Estate prides itself on commercial real estate expertise and serving clients at the highest level. Please contact Steve Longenecker at WeBrokerCORealEstate or 720-600-9513 regarding any commercial real estate needs in Longmont, CO, and our neighboring communities.

We give out $250 gift cards for referrals that become our real estate clients.

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